27 Videos
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Week 1 - Dear Anxiety....
Week 2 - The Undercurrent of Safety
Week 3 - Being Mindful of the Subtleties of the Mind
Week 4 - Overcoming unhelpful beliefs
Week 5 - An Attitude of Gratitude
Week 6 - Nourishing the Body, Mind and Soul with Abhyanga
Week 7 - Sleep Well
Week 8 - Diet to Nurture the Nervous System
Week 9 - Body Yantra - nervous system reset
Week 10 - The Power of Surrender
Week 11 - Purging Worry
Week 12 - Audit the Fears
Week 13 - Letting go of ego and being of service to others
Week 14 - Feel Through Somatic Experiencing - make friends with the anxiety
Week 15 - Breathwork
Week 16 - Calling in the Power (align to archetypes)
Week 17 - Mantra/chanting
Week 18 - Mindful Movement
Meditations (audio)
Find the peace within (a week of meditation)
8 weeks of meditation - for health and happiness
BONUS Retreats