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What are the doshas?
Discover your natural state of balance
Current state of balance
Create your plan to rebalance
Guide to the Ayurvedic Seasons
Create your Dinacharya (daily rituals)
Abhyanga (self-massage)
Meditations (audio)
Vata balancing food list
Vata Season Recipes (Autumn - Early Winter)
Herbs for Vata Season
Create your Dinacharya (daily rituals)
Abhyanga (self-massage)
Meditations (audio)
Kapha season recipes (late Winter - Spring)
Kapha balancing food list
Herbs for Kapha Season
Create your Dinacharya (daily rituals)
Abhyanga (self-massage)
Meditations (audio)
Pitta balancing food list
Pitta season recipes (late Spring - Summer)
Herbs for Pitta Season
Monthly Workshops
BONUS Training series
BONUS Retreats
Journal for healing
Find the Peace within - A week of meditation
Healing circles
Meditations (audio)
Recommended reading