30 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
2 Files
Links to Groups and Calls
Link to your intake form
Timetable of calls
Igniting your motivation
Using meditation for deeper insight
Energy Audit
Who are you anyway?
Understand the gifts and strengths you have to share with the world
The spiritual laws to guide your journey
Understanding your journey
Week 1 - Understanding the principles of Ayurveda
Week 2 - Understanding the doshas
Week 3 - Rebalancing the doshas
Week 4 - Create your Dinacharya (daily rituals)
Week 5 - Identifying stress
Week 6 - Choosing something different to stress
Week 7 - Mantras
Week 8 - Somatic experiences
Week 9 - Regulate Jathar agni (Gut)
Week 10 - Gut health
Week 11 - Regulate Bhutagni (Liver)
Week 12 - Dhatu Agni (tissues)
Week 13 - Let's get ready to cleanse!
Week 14 - Cleanse mind body and soul
Week 15 - Beginning to re-emerge
Week 16 - Building Ojas
Week 17 - Ayurveda and menopause
Week 18 - Hormone Disruptors
Week 19 - Strength
Week 20 - Final Week! Plus more remedies....
BONUS LESSON - working with your cycle