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Here's what you need to know....
Day 1 - Gifts
Day 2 - Joy & Pleasure
Day 3 - Liberating time, energy and money
Day 4 - Allowing yourself to dream
Day 5 - Self trust and alignment
Day 6 - Throwing away the rules
Day 7 - Looking at the monster under the bed
Day 8 - Relationship with challenge
Day 9 - In conversation with the divine
Day 10 - Signs and Synchronicities
Day 11 - What are you craving right now?
Day 12 - What can you amplify today?
Day 13 - Qualities in others
Day 14 - Being a vessel for the universe
Day 15 - Lessons along the way
Day 16 - Consistency and adaptablity
Day 17 - Following the breadcrumbs
Day 18 - What are you willing to sacrifice?
Day 19 - Vision statement
Day 20 - Rewiring your worthiness
Day 21 - The last year of your life
Day 22 - What are you blaming right now?
Day 23 - The courage of inner peace
Day 24 - Where do you need to uplevel?
Day 25 - Why does it matter?
Day 26 - What are your shadows?
Day 27 - What archetypes do you want to embrace more?
Day 28 - Energy Vampires
Day 29 - Move that energy....
Day 30 - the toxic feminine and masculine
Day 31 - You have so got this